Unfortunately we had to cancel the event due to the limited amount of registrations.
On October 9th The Paraclimbing Open 2022 will take place for the third time at IVY Climbing in Sittard. Dutch and foreign climbers with a physical impairment can participate.
If you have an account in this competition page please login. If you haven't got an account please create one first. When logged in navigate back to 'Competitions' and choose the calendar 'Other' and find 'The Paraclimbing Open 2022'. Please register in the category you are classified in.
If you haven't been classified yet please register yourself in the category which you think is the most likely. On October 8th we will classify all athletes who haven't been classified before or have been classified with a review date in 2022. After classification you will be placed in the category in which you are classified.
If you need help registrating or advice in which category to register please email to wedstrijden@nkbv.nl.